A range of bio available micronutrient supplements created for the anaerobic digester market. These Trace Element Additives provide a wide range of essential trace elements, in a form fully bio-available in anaerobic conditions, to optimize system performance. The enhanced bio availability of Nutromex TEA is the key to its proven performance.
In order for anaerobic plants to operate effectively they require a variety of nutrients for the micro-organisms to grow and function properly. Essential trace elements such as iron, nickel, cobalt, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum and selenium which are critical for the successful operation in anaerobic conditions and for correct bacterial growth. OMEX® has created the TEA series to help prevent these deficiencies which can affect a plants stability, performance and biogas production.
These essential elements help to increase biogas production, increase methane content of biogas, decrease digester VFA content and increase profitability.