Time to Look Out for Peach Twig Borer and Mites

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May has arrived, and the need to keep an eye on Peach Twig Borer and mites is very important. Almond
trees continue to grow and partition the major nutrients into their appropriate structures (i.e. fruiting
bodies, trunks, stems, leaves, etc.). If there is a need to treat the orchard for these two pest issues, it’s time to
make some adjustments to the foliar and soil nutrition program to help the crop power through these last
two months of growth and development.

There is a need for continued potassium for sizing and movement of carbohydrates to the nut sink during this time. As cell division continues through the month of May, foliar applications of OMEX® Cell
Power® K25 will supply a low salt index form of potassium to help manage crop needs.

Also, if your early spring tissue samples are available, this is a good time to address any issues. If tissue
levels show low levels of boron, this would be a perfect opportunity to apply OMEX® Cell Power® Boron/
Zinc (8%B and 2%Zn) to help improve the movement of those sugars from the site of production to the site of use in the nut. Boron and zinc are the two micronutrients that are typically required in higher amounts, though that is not to say that any of the other micronutrients may not be lacking.

Any regional deficiencies seen on the tissue results can be addressed as well. OMEX®’s Protein Plus
line of protein hydrolysate complexed micronutrient blends can serve a purpose here. These micronutrients
range from a single product such as Protein Plus 8% Zinc to something more inclusive such as Cell
Power® Protein Plus® (IMZ) Iron (2%), Manganese (4%) and Zinc (4%).

Finally, as crop water use is at its peak during the month of May there may be a need to help with any
water penetration due to the lack of soluble calcium in the root zone.  OMEX® Cell Power® SLYCE
8% is a very soluble and readily available form of calcium manufactured to help obtain the water
infiltration your nut crops deserve.

Learn more at www.OMEXusa.com. The product names and brands referenced here are registered and trademarks of OMEX® Agrifluids, Inc.

May June 2023 [16 – 17] (nxtbook.com)